Latest News

Link to 2009 Symposium
feb - 2 - 2009

* * *
Panel list Announced!
jul - 30 - 2008
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Official program
now available!
jul - 10 - 2008
* * *

Early Registration
ends July 4
Sign up now!
* * *

Preliminary Program Updated!
Authors should
expect notifications
by the end of this week.
jun - 4 -2008
* * *

Registration is Up!
apr - 29 - 2008
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New Deadlines
apr -14 - 2008
* * *

Submission & Review
System is up.
mar - 17 - 2008
* * *

Registration instructions
announced here.
mar - 6 - 2008
* * *

announced here.
jan - 9 - 2008
* * *

Preliminary Call for Papers has been released.
dec -13 - 2007
* * *

Symposium Committees announced.
dec - 13 - 2007
* * *

Registration & Submission


Please, make your submission on the following link:

SRM - Submission & Review Management
(at Graz University of Technology)



The Early registration ends July 4!!!
Sign up now! > SIGGRAPH 2008 > Co-Located Events

Come to Papers, Tutorials, Panels, and Showcases covering the latest developments in interactive, web-delivered virtual environments... come and immerse yourself!
Topics include: content and software engineering, COLLADA, X3D, X3D Earth, Ajax3D, Industry insight, and more!

Registration will take place through the SIGGRAPH conference registration system:

OR Register for Web3D 2008 only
Instructions: Toward the bottom there is a radio box for "co-located events only". Check that and the other box above for member, student or non-member and then it will take you to the page you need to fill out to attend a co-located event. When you get to the page with co-located event choices, click on...

The Registration Cost Includes:

The price structure is as follows:


. ACM/SIG Members $475
. Non-ACM/SIG Members $575
. Student $175
. Other ----


. ACM/SIG Members $550
. Non-ACM/SIG Members $650
. Student $225
. Other ----


. ACM/SIG Members $600
. Non-ACM/SIG Members $700
. Student $250


We look forward to seeing you in LA for Web3D 2008!